Leadership Team & Church Associations


Rev. Meg Burton

Property Committee

Members of the Working Party

Auditor & Covenant Secretary

Graham Cooper


James & Barbara Horsfield

Network & Overseas Missions

Gwenda Coyne


James Horsfield, Glennis Pearson, Elsie Daniels, Valerie Hinchliffe & Kirsten


Carole Black

Pastoral Secretary & Family Secretary

Anne Duffy

Safe Guarding Officers

Di Gaubert & Joy Fuller

Church Council Members

Margaret Bland, Pat Broskom, Sue Chell, Joyce Cooper, Anne Duffy, Maggie Lound &  Simon Oak


SAM Church is part of the Trinity Circuit, comprising of seventeen churches in South Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire www.trinitycircuit.net

The Trinity Circuit is part of the Methodist Church www.methodist.org.uk

We work closely with the following charities:

Action for Children – Working to make sure every child and young person has the love, support and opportunity they need to reach their potential. www.actionforchildren.org.uk

WaterAid – Working in 37 countries across the world to transfer millions of lives every year by improving access to safe water, toilets and hygiene. www.wateraid.org

Christian Aid – Christian Aid has a vision – an end to poverty – and we believe that vision can become a reality. www.christianaid.org.uk

Methodist Homes – Our mission is “to improve the quality of life for older people, inspired by Christian concern.” www.mha.org.uk